All nominations due by February 7th!

2024 Award of Excellence

The NCMC Award of Excellence is intended to honor those exhibits, publications and

programs that exemplify excellence in the museum field. This competition showcases the

best in our profession and in doing so promotes excellence and professionalism across the

state. There is now a category within the Award of Excellence to reflect excellence in online

programming through exhibits, programs, and other web-based offerings. Up to three

awards will be presented for outstanding programs at the conference.

Award of Excellence Nomination Form (links to online form)

2024 Awards of Special Recognition

The NCMC Award of Special Recognition honors an individual, group, or business affiliated

with a museum in North Carolina who has demonstrated significant interest and support in

the programs, goals, and policies or made significant contributions of time, money, or ideas

to a museum in the state.

Special Recognition Award Nomination Form (links to online form)

NEW: Emerging Museum Professional Award

The NCMC Emerging Museum Professional Award recognizes an outstanding individual

who has worked in the museum industry for fewer than seven years. Nominations of early-

career museum professionals are welcomed and encouraged. Nominees must be either an

NCMC individual member or employed by a member organization.

A complete nomination package, including the nomination form and all requested

supporting documents and materials as specified are required for review and evaluation.

Nominations that are incomplete may be returned, requesting missing information, or may

be excluded from consideration, depending on the timeframe and other factors.

Emerging Museum Professional Nomination Form (links to online form)

2024 Karl McKinnon Professional Achievement Award

The NCMC Professional Service Award shall be presented to any individual currently

employed at a North Carolina museum that has distinguished themselves in the museum

field and/or have professionally advanced the role of museums or that of the North Carolina

Museums Council. The committee will grant one "Professional Service" award each year.

Karl McKinnon Professional Achievement Award (links to online form)

2024 Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion Award

To reflect the Board's dedication to the principles of diversity, equity, accessibility, and

inclusion (DEAI) across the museum field, a new award program was developed in 2020.

This award seeks to celebrate organizations and programs advancing the museum field in

these areas, both internally through workplace culture and programs and externally through

engagement with museum audiences and communities.

DEAI Nomination Form (links to online form)

2024 William T. Alderson Lifetime Achievement Nomination Package

The William T. Alderson Lifetime Achievement Award is established to recognize retired

(still living) museum professionals for a lifetime of service to demonstrate NCMC's respect

and admiration for the body of work they accomplished in their career. This award may be

presented to one individual each year. In addition to standard award recognitions, Alderson

Award winners will receive a special gift.

Lifetime Achievement Award Nomination Form (links to online form)

2024 Dennis T. Lawson Memorial Award

The Dennis T. Lawson Memorial Award honors deceased members and supporters of the

museum profession in North Carolina. The award was created in 1987 in honor of Dennis T.

Lawson, director of the High Point Museum and Historical Park, a respected and admired

colleague who died suddenly and unexpectedly during the preceding year. This award may

be presented in memorial to one individual each year.

Lawson Memorial Award Nomination Form (links to online form)

Student Awards

NCMC Student Travel Award

The Student Travel Award supports students who wish to attend the NCMC Annual

Conference. One winner will receive free conference attendance and a free student

membership for one year. Up to two additional awards may be given to provide financial

support for conference attendance and travel.

Student Travel Award Application Form (links to online form)

NCMC Summer Internship Award

NCMC will provide one institution $1,500 to pay an intern for summer 2025. Applicants

must be NCMC Institutional Members at the time of application. Requirements: The

museum selected to host the summer 2025 intern agrees to publicly advertise the internship

position for at least one month, and to hold an open application process. The advertisement

must be emailed to the Student Affairs Chair so that it can be disseminated and posted on

the NCMC website.

Summer Internship Award Application Form (links to online form)

For more information on our Awards programs, please email our Awards Chair at

View Last Year's Award Winners

The North Carolina Museums Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
PO Box 2603, Raleigh, NC 27602-2603
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