Registration for the 2022 NCMC Annual Conference is now open.
Rocky Mount, NC
March 26 - 28th, 2022
Don’t miss an incredible lineup of speakers, workshops, activities, networking and so much more. You will not want to miss this in person conference as a way to connect with museum professionals around the state. This year, NCMC members will be allowed a guest at a reduced rate. Be sure to sign into your member portal to enable this perk.
Please be aware of the different times to register for the 2022 Annual Conference. Early Bird registration will be open from January 21- February 4, 2022. This is going to be the best bang for your buck! Then from February 5- March 11, 2022 will be our Regular registration. Finally, you can register in our Late registration which will last until March 25th. All are invited to attend and we hope to see you in Rocky Mount!
Instructions for Registering
Enter email and security check code
Select registration type
Enter registration information
Select payment method and enter information
Having difficulties registering? Please email conference.admin@ncmuseums.org.
Pricing Breakdown
Early Bird Registration
$90 for Full Conference (three days)
$75 for Monday, Single day
$75 Students Rate for Full Conference
Regular Registration
- $125 for Full Conference (three days)
- $90 for Monday, Single day
- $75 Students Rate for Full Conference
Late Registration
$150 for Full Conference (three days)
$100 for Monday, Single day
$90 Students Rate for Full Conference
Instructions for Institutional Members
Did you know that institutional members (Tier II and up) can have multiple staff members associated with their account? When registering for the conference, this will help to streamline your registration process and your staff can register at the member rate. Need to add staff members to your account? Your primary contact will need to login and do the following:
Login to your member account
Select your profile name in the top right corner of the page
Scroll down to "Bundle Summary"
Select "Add Member"
Enter their information
Questions? Please contact our Membership Chair at membership@ncmuseums.org.
Cancelation Policy
A $20 processing fee will be applied to all cancellations. All cancellation requests must be made in writing by e-mail to conference.admin@ncmuseums.org.
Cancellation requests received before March 12, 2022 will receive a 100% refund on registration and event fees, minus the processing fee. After March 12, 2022, refunds will be given on a case by case basis.
Registrants who are no longer able to attend the meeting may request a substitute to attend in their stead by submitting their request in writing via email to conference.admin@ncmuseums.org. The substitute must be from the same organization. Once the request has been received, the original registration rate and any event tickets purchased will transfer to the new attendee.
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
Please email our conference administrator at conference.admin@ncmuseums.org.