Dear NCMC Member,
The NCMC Board proposes the following By-Laws changes. These changes will be voted on by the membership at the Business Meeting that will take place during the Annual Meeting Monday luncheon, on March 25, 2019 in Asheville. These changes are to eliminate the Newsletter Chair and the Public Relations Chair and instead to create a Communications Chair. The current By-Laws can be found HERE.
Proposed By-Law changes:
Article V Board of Directors
Section 3 Number and Qualifications: The Board of Directors shall consist of the four elected officers, the Immediate Past President and not more than 15 other elected members. These elected members will include: Art Section Chair, Children's Section Chair, History Section Chair, Science Section Chair, and the following Committee Chairs: Annual Meetings, Archives, Awards, Communications, Development, Directory, Membership Development, Nominating, Professional Development, and Student Affairs. Said members listed above all have voting privileges at board meetings.
Section 4 Election, Term and Responsibilities: Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting by the voting members present at that meeting. The Archives Chair, Professional Development Chair, and Communications Chair shall be elected in even-numbered years. The Annual Meetings Chair, Awards Chair, Development Chair, Directory Chair, Membership Development Chair, Nominating Chair, and Student Affairs Chair shall be elected in odd-numbered years. The Section Chairs shall be elected by the voting members present at their respective section’s Annual Meeting in odd-numbered years. Both the Section Chairs and the Committee Chairs shall be elected for a two-year term and are eligible to serve for two consecutive terms. Each of the Directors is responsible for fulfilling responsibilities relating to their respective position as outlined in the Operating Guidelines.
Article VI Committees
Section 2 Standing Committees: The Standing Committees of the Board shall be: Annual Meetings, Archives, Awards, Communications, Development, Directory, Membership Development, Nominating, Professional Development, and Student Affairs. The Chair of each standing committee may appoint a vice-chair from the NCMC membership to assist with committee functions and represent the chair in the event of his or her absence at Board Meetings. While a vice-chair may represent a chair in the event of his or her absence at board meetings, a vice-chair does not count towards quorum and may not vote or cast proxy votes since they were not elected by the NCMC membership.
Looking forward to seeing you in Asheville!
Peter Koch
NCMC Board President