Speak Up and Speak Out: NCMC announces new Advocacy Committee
By Scott Warren, Immediate Past President
Advocacy is one of the guiding principles of the North Carolina Museums Council (NCMC) and one that we are committed to assisting our members with.
Advocacy can seem like a huge undertaking and not knowing where or how to start can seem somewhat daunting. We are here to help! NCMC has launched a new committee to begin the process of supplying you, our members, with the tools necessary to take on this important work. “We are excited to roll out this new committee; it has been a goal of many board members for some time. Finally, we can equip museums professionals with the necessary tools to best advocate for themselves and their museums in their local communities as well as on the state and national levels,” said Rebekah Dunn, Communications Chair.
Our immediate goal is to begin gathering online resources that will aid everyone in identifying those resources and organizations that effectively manage advocacy. “The ultimate goal of our committee will be to construct a toolbox, if you will, that our members can use effectively advocate from anywhere, whether that be on Capitol Hill, in the halls of the General Assembly in Raleigh or from the comfort of your own home," said Scott Warren, Immediate Past President and chairperson of the Advocacy Committee. “Our committee members bring a wealth of experience to the committee, and I am excited to work with them on this important project.”
Advocacy is important work whether you are advocating on Federal funding issues or state laws to assist nonprofit arts organizations. Please stay tuned as we will be rolling out updates and news from our committee.